Cyber Essentials Accreditation

28 May 2018 News

As more and more organisations access software and services online, more and more organisations understand the concepts of “the cloud”, with the introduction of GDPR regulations into UK law, a few more understand about data and data security.

Part of our solution is to provide a 24/7 hosted environment for your business. We are proud to announce that our server farm now has UK Government Approval. Not only is your data held in the UK (not Ireland, Iceland or another country), but it sits behind secure firewall infrastructure accredited by the UK Government, in a controlled and backed-up environment equally accredited by the UK Government.

As always, Ryba Macaulay Ltd seeks to provide the best service, support and tools to our customers……it never stops

You can see our Accreditation by clicking on this link


More time saving tweaks and updates


A big update including the new Letter Manager